Whole Health Card Deck

Elevate Your Wellbeing with the Whole Health Card Deck – A Perfect Companion for Mind, Body, and Spirit

I want to introduce you to something truly special that I recently created: the Whole Health Card Deck.

Whole Health is a beautifully-crafted card deck designed to support wellness and wellbeing across six essential domains: Mind, Self, Movement, Sleep, Restore, and Nourishment. I believe these cards align perfectly with a holistic approach to healing and self-exploration.

Whole Health offers a unique and engaging way for individuals to enhance their physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. Each card contains a practice that can be easily incorporated into daily life, empowering individuals to cultivate a well-rounded approach to self-care.

Here are some key features of the Whole Health Card Deck:

  1. 50 Thoughtfully Crafted Cards: Each card is designed to offer guidance and inspiration in different areas of wellness, covering the six essential domains.
  2. Versatile Practices: The practices provided in the cards are versatile and adaptable to various lifestyles, making it accessible for people from all walks of life.
  3. Promotes Mind-Body-Spirit Connection: Whole Health encourages individuals to explore the interconnectedness of their mind, body, and spirit, enabling them to unlock their full potential for wellbeing.
  4. Suitable for Personal and Professional Use: Whether you are seeking personal growth or working in a therapeutic setting, Whole Health can be a valuable tool for both self-reflection and facilitating sessions with clients.

You can find Whole Health on both Etsy and Amazon, making it convenient for anyone to purchase. 

Here are the links to the respective platforms:



The backs of the cards feature my own photography and digital art.

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