Card Play Practice: What I Want

Card 1— What I Want

  1. Randomly choose 9 cards and lay them either face up or face down, depending on if you want to use the improv (face down) or intuition (face up) card selection technique.
  2. Either randomly (improv) or with intention (face up), select a card. If you are intentionally choosing a card from the 9, choose the card that most reflects something you want or that you are drawn to.
  3. Using the image, describe how it reflects what you want. Incorporate the imagery, lines, colors, shapes in your description. Tune in to the emotions and experiences conveyed in the selected image and relate them to yourself in this moment.

Card 2— What Blocks me from having what I want

  1. Randomly choose 9 cards and lay them either face up or face down, depending on if you want to use the improv (face down) or intuition (face up) card selection technique.
  2. Either randomly (improv) or with intention (face up), select a card. If you are intentionally choosing a card from the 9, choose the card that most reflects what may be blocking you from having what you want.
  3. Using the image, describe how it is related to what you want and any blocks to it. Incorporate the imagery, lines, colors, shapes in your description. Tune in to the emotions and experiences conveyed in the selected image and relate them to yourself in this moment.

Card 3— How to get what I want

  1. Randomly choose 4 cards and lay them either face up or face down, depending on if you want to use the improv (face down) or intuition (face up) card selection technique.
  2. Either randomly (improv) or with intention (face up), select a card. If you are intentionally choosing a card from the 4, choose the card that most reflects what may support you in getting what you want.
  3. Using the image, describe how it is related to obtaining what you want. Incorporate the imagery, lines, colors, shapes in your description. Tune in to the emotions and experiences conveyed in the selected image and relate them to yourself in this moment.

Optional: Psychotherapy or Self Care card

  1. Using a psychotherapy or self care deck, randomly choose 4 cards and lay them either face up or face down, depending on if you want to use the improv (face down) or intuition (face up) card selection technique.
  2. Choose a card either randomly (improv) or with intention (face up).
  3. Plan how you can engage in the practice and/or incorporate it into your life during the week in the context of moving you closer towards what you want.
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