Author name: Tova Abelman

Understanding Insecure Attachment in Romantic Relationships

Attachment theory was first developed in the 1950s by the psychoanalyst John Bowlby. In the 1970s researcher Mary Ainsworth further contributed to this theory. Early attachment theory work centered on the different attachment styles babies and young children exhibited towards their caregivers. Later work has shown that attachment theory is relevant in adult romantic relationships.

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Grounding Practices for Binge Eating or Emotional Eating Urges

Grounding practices can help you disengage from overwhelming cravings and urges to eat in ways that do not serve you. Try one of these techniques next time you feel an urge to binge or eat in response to uncomfortable emotional experiences like anger, frustration, or anxiety. You may find it helpful to keep a list of

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Card Play Practice & Questions List: How I Feel Right Now

Below questions can be used with other Card Play practices. This practice is intended to explore your present moment experience. Optional: Add one or more word Concept Cards (particularly Fundamental Concept Cards) to see how or if these impact your above answers. Consider adding Healing Concept Cards that could support the image and explore the

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